2019 Letter to our Stakeholders

2019-20 has been a very challenging year with proliferating relations across the globe. However, your favourite organization has ensured progress and stability amidst the stormy waters that early 2020 brought. The novel coronavirus has affected not just human health and pushed health systems to the brink of collapse, but has also lowered GDP growth, pushed the economy into slowdown and has paralyzed the targets towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals as laid down by our United Nations partners. Against this backdrop, CHD Group has delivered high quality social impact, ensured progress with responsible growth and real-world transformation in action.

Never before in the history of the world has the work environment been challenged to this level drawing uncertainty. But CHD has been at the forefront to convert uncertainty to certainty, to inspire hope and to champion development when it mattered the most.

This has largely been possible because of visionary friends such as you who put their heart and mind at the center of human progress. CHD exists for a reason. And that reason is to build a world better than what you and I inherited as children of this universe.

Chdians are acting aggressively in safeguarding and defending the development sector which is going through heavy concerns of human development and progress in nurturing a more meaningful world.

We are working closely with visionary Multi-National Companies, United Nations Agencies and Country Governments to sustain progress and better contain the pandemic.

Chdians have moved to accelerate development beyond COVID-19 and to inject a new vigour in the veins of fellow men and women who look up with hope as another day emerges from the blink of a new reality.

This is not the moment for us, my dear stakeholders to falter. This is not the time to grief. This is that time of the day to come together, to put progress before profit, to put holistic social development before merely COVID-19 battleground, to put science over emotion, to put mind over matter, to rise up as one race for a common good, towards a common dream and march forth for a better future.

Don’t let the pandemic define you, may you be defined by your own blazing human instinct to survive, thrive and nurture a healthy world.

Truly yours,


Founder and Chief Executive Officer,

CHD Group

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