Indian Diet Plan for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a very common health issue in India. Blame it to the changed lifestyle or pollution or competitive world, most Indians get affected by the stress. This Indian diet plan for high blood pressure will help you manage your hypertension. Hypertension can be controlled. But you play a major role in controlling the same.
Causes of High Blood Pressure:
There are many factors that can lead to high blood pressure, most of which are indicative of an unhealthy lifestyle. Let’s take a look at the causes of high blood pressure:

• Eating salt in excess:

• Lack of Physical Exercise:

• Lack of Roughage in the Diet ( lacking fruits and veggies)

• Obesity:

• Diabetes:

• Drinking Alcohol in excess:

• Eating too many fats:

• Too much sugar:

• Heredity:

• Smoking:

• Aging:

How to Prevent High Blood Pressure?

In spite of all the above reasons that can cause hypertension, it is possible to control high blood pressure. A few ways by which one can control high blood pressure are:

  1. Making dietary changes
  2. By limiting the intake of salt
  3. Maintaining a bodyweight
  4. By indulging in physical activity regularly

Indian Diet Plan for High Blood Pressure

Here is a sample chart of the Indian diet plan for high blood pressure. This Indian diet plan for high blood pressure provides you around 1500 calories and can be followed if you are looking for managing your weight as well as hypertension.

Sample Menu of Dash diet; Indian diet plan for high blood pressure:

The above mentioned Indian Diet plan for high blood pressure is a sample plan of what kind of food one must eat in order to control high blood pressure. The foods included in the chart will help you control your blood pressure to a great extent.

Indian Foods that Help to control High Blood Pressure:

Here are the details of how some of these foods that are included in the sample Indian diet plan for high blood pressure, helps.

• Flax seeds:

It helps in lowering the elevated blood pressure. Flax seeds prevent cardiovascular diseases and help in lowering bad cholesterol. Read more about the Benefits of Flax seeds

• Sunflower seeds:

Sunflower seeds are nutrient-packed and they help in lowering high blood pressure. They also, protect against heart diseases.

• Watermelon:

Watermelons helps in lowering the elevated blood pressure with an amino acid called L-citrulline. It is packed with lycopene and fiber and hence, helps in promoting heart health.

• Beetroot:

The nitrates in beetroot improve blood flow by helping the blood vessels to relax. According to Australian research, Beetroot can lower systolic pressure by 5 points within a few hours.

• Spinach:

Spinach is super rich in minerals, especially potassium and helps in maintaining blood pressure near normal.

• Whole grains (brown rice / whole wheat flour / Oats ):

whole-grain has multiple health benefits. and maintaining blood pressure near normal is just 1 of them.

Dietary Changes to Maintain Normal Blood Pressure:

In order to maintain normal blood pressure levels, various dietary modifications will have to be made. However, one can easily avoid medication of high blood pressure by taking some precautions while eating:

• Eat a low sodium diet:

Eating a low sodium diet doesn’t mean simply adding less salt to your meals; it also indicates consuming less processed foods. This is because processed foods, canned foods, and fast foods contain a high amount of sodium which affects the blood pressure adversely.

• Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet:

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables since they are rich in potassium and this mineral helps to lower the blood pressure. Fresh fruits are also rich in sodium, magnesium, calcium, and anti-oxidants and together these help to control the blood pressure levels. Some useful fruits are apricots, bananas, avocados, melons, oranges, lemons, prunes, grapefruit, dates, and raisins.

• Limit your alcohol intake:

Most people know that moderate amounts of alcohol can help to lower your blood pressure levels but people interpret this act the way they like. They drink alcohol in excess and this affects the blood pressure adversely. Limit your alcohol intake to a maximum of 2 per day to keep your blood pressure under control.

• Reduce your caffeine intake:

Although caffeine raises your blood pressure levels very slowly, it does have a negative effect when consumed regularly. Also, the amount of caffeine you drink also makes a huge difference. One should not drink more than 200 mg per day. You may take in one shot or divide it into 2-3 small shots.

• Stop smoking:

The nicotine that is emitted from cigarette smoke is really dangerous, not only for your lungs but also for your heart. If you are smoke, you are not only endangering yourself but also all those around you. Quit smoking as soon as you can.

• Eat only whole grains:

Eating whole grains is as effective as anti-hypertensive medicines since they contain lots of potassium and thus help to control blood pressure. They also contain many other nutritious elements such as fiber, selenium, magnesium, folate, and iron. One should eat at least 85 Gms of whole grains such as oats, wheat, brown rice, popcorn, quinoa, and breakfast cereals.

• Avoid fats:

Excess of cholesterol and bad fats clogs the arteries. Limit your intake of fat and consume only good fats. Choose foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Try steaming, baking, grilling and boiling over frying foods. Food can easily be cooked with a very small amount of fat. It might not taste as good initially but this is what is good for your heart. Replace full-fat yogurt with low-fat yogurt.

• Eat lean meats:

Avoid red meats. Consume chicken and fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Bake, roast and grill the poultry but avoid frying. Salmon, tuna, and herring are heart-healthy varieties of fish.

• Limit your intake of sugar:

Consume only natural sources of sugar such as fruits, raisins, dates and maple syrup. Avoid aerated beverages and packed juices since these contain a lot of sugar. Avoid unnecessary snacking and don’t eat huge portions. Try not to consume foods that contain high fructose corn syrup. This includes ketchup, crackers, and soft drinks.

• Exercise daily:

Regular physical exercise can go a long way in bringing your blood pressure levels down. It improves blood circulation and also lifts your mood.

• Watch your weight:

Keep a close eye on your weight and make it a point to maintain it within limits. Lose all that extra weight around your waist and prevent yourself from becoming overweight.

• Keep stress at bay:

Try to keep stress at bay so that tension and anxiety do not affect your health in any way

DISCLAIMER: This is only a general guideline for hypertension management. This does not replace medicines that may be needed and it is a must that you consult a Preventive Health Physician on a regular basis and keep following up. CHD Group takes no responsibility for the contents within.

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